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Dr. Shabiullah Syyed

MBBS | Doctor of Medicine | Consultant Psychiatrist | Executive Health Content Writer

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Author Posts

    How Do Pilots Stay Awake?

    Have you ever wondered how pilots manage to stay awake on long flights, even across time zones? Flying an aircraft requires constant alertness and quick decision-making, as even a brief lapse in concentration could result in accidents. This blog post sheds light on the secret strategies pilots use to combat fatigue and maintain alertness in the cockpit.

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    Beginners Guide to Modafinil for Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue

    Multiple sclerosis is a challenging symptom that impacts daily life. Modafinil, a med known for promoting wakefulness, has emerged as a potential treatment option. This guide explores the use of modafinil in managing multiple sclerosis-related fatigue, providing details on dosage, benefits, and potential side effects.

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