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How Much Does Adderall Cost in 2025?

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Adderall is one of the most popular medications designed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Since its approval in 1996, it has increasingly risen in popularity to become the first-choice treatment for the health condition. If you are interested in finding out details about it, such as the current out-of-pocket cost, factors that affect its price, and the correct way to take it, then this guide is for you.

How Much Does Adderall Cost

You will discover all the answers you need here. Let’s dive in.

Key Information About Adderall

Adderall is an effective medication used to manage the symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy. It consists of two powerful central nervous system (CNS) stimulants – amphetamine and dextroamphetamine – as its active ingredients, and they are what makes it very effective [1].

Amphetamine was accidentally discovered by chemist Gordon Alles during an attempt to develop a cure for asthma. After a series-of-testing over several years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it for use. Today, millions of people around the world use it to increase focus, manage depression, and increase their overall quality of life [2].

Adderall works by regulating (in most cases increasing) the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, among other neurotransmitters in the brain. The levels of these chemicals at any point in time influence mood, alertness, and certain behaviors. The fidgety and uncontrollable need to tap or move around experienced by individuals with ADHD, as well as the excessive daytime sleepiness experienced by people with narcolepsy, all dwindle as Adderall rebalances the neurotransmitters [3].

The drug is well-tolerated and safe when taken correctly. It is effective for both children and adults; however, it may not be safe for individuals with certain underlying health conditions. It is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment with any medication.

What Is Adderall Used For?

On the surface level, Adderall is simply used to manage hyperactivity, inattention, and other ADHD symptoms and promote wakefulness in people suffering from excessive daytime sleepiness due to narcolepsy. However, it provides several more benefits.

Adderall Pills

Here are some of them:

  • reduced fatigue: Because Adderall contains amphetamines, it helps increase energy levels in individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome [4];
  • reduced impulsivity: Impulsivity is one of the symptoms of ADHD. It involves acting without considering possible outcomes, a character known to affect finances, relationships, social life, and a general sense of well-being. Adderall is typically used to reduce impulsivity and improve the overall quality of life [5];
  • improved mood: Some people use Adderall off-label to deal with depression. However, it is worth noting that it is not FDA-approved for this purpose. It works because it has mood-elevating effects brought about by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a “feel-good” hormone, so naturally, higher levels bring about an increased sense of well-being [6];
  • improved cognitive performance: Adderall does several things when it raises the level of dopamine in the body; one of them is enhancing cognitive function. Consequently, some people use it off-label to enhance cognition and ultimately increase productivity. Studies suggest that it may also enhance memory and improve executive function in ADHD patients. However, more studies need to be conducted to determine its effects in the short- and long-term [7].

Although Adderall has so many benefits, it is worth noting that it is not without side effects. It is available as a prescription medication, so it is important to adhere strictly to your doctor or healthcare provider’s instructions for use. Do well to consult your doctor before starting treatment with it.

What Factors Affect the Price of Adderall?

Adderall is widely available in the United States and most other parts of the world. It can be found both online and at Walmart, as well as some other walk-in pharmacies. However, its price can vary widely based on a number of factors. Some of the most significant ones are given below.

Tablets Cost

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage plays a huge role in determining the cost of the drug at any point in time. Patients with insurance coverage generally pay less per pill than those buying tabs without insurance. This is because insurance companies typically negotiate to get the pills from manufacturers and pharmacies at lower prices to help lower the per-month cost for their customers.

Here is a table showing the price of the drug without insurance coverage at Walgreens, CVS, Costco, Walmart, and other major pharmacies [8].

Pharmacy Cost Without Insurance (20 Mg, 30 Tablets)
Walgreens $292.50
CVS $315.15
Costco $363.89
Rite Aid $312.77
Capsule Pharmacy $294.82
Stop n Shop $290.03
Wegmans $297.05
Duane Reade $296.63

While the cost of Adderall is quite high, it can be much higher without insurance, especially for those who require higher doses for long-term treatment.

Brand Name or Generic

Adderall is available in both a generic and branded version. The original medicine is generally more expensive than the generic drug. This is because manufacturers of the generic versions do not spend the time, money, and energy as brand-name drug manufacturers do during research, development, trial, and marketing. They simply copy the formula of the original medication after the patent protecting it expires.

Here is a table showing a cost comparison of generic and brand-name Adderall [9]:

Pharmacy Brand Name Cost Without Insurance (20 Mg, 30 Tablets) Generic Brand Cost Without Insurance (20 Mg, 30 Tablets)
Walgreens $292.50 $16.74
CVS $315.15 $18.20
Costco $363.89 $19.99
Rite Aid $312.77 $12.68
Capsule Pharmacy $294.82 N/A
Stop n Shop $290.03 $17.23
Wegmans $297.05 $15.71
Duane Reade $296.63 $16.74

The choice between generic and branded Adderall can have serious cost implications on its pricing. However, it is worth noting that while the generic version of the drug is more cost-effective, there are lots of counterfeit pills in circulation. If you decide to go for the generic brand, be sure to source it from a reputable and trustworthy vendor so you can rest assured that it is legit. Note that whichever option you decide to go for, it is important to strictly adhere to its recommendation for use.

Adderall XR vs. Adderall IR

Adderall is available in two formulations: extended-release (XR) capsule and immediate-release (IR) tablet. Both types come in varying doses. The immediate-release version comes in 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 12.5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, and 30 mg strengths. On the other hand, the extended-release capsule comes in the following dose strengths: 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 25 mg, and 30 mg. It is worth noting that the prices of both formulations of Adderall may differ from one pharmacy to the other. Find a cost comparison of Adderall IR and Adderall XR below [10].

Pharmacy Brand-Name Adderall IR Cost Without Insurance (20 Mg, 30 Tablets) Brand-Name Adderall XR Cost Without Insurance (20 Mg, 30 Tablets)
Walgreens $292.50 $234.65
CVS $315.15 $234.65
Costco $363.89 N/A
Rite Aid $312.77 $230.81
Capsule Pharmacy $294.82 N/A
Stop n Shop $290.03 $212.72
Wegmans $297.05 $212.90
Duane Reade $296.63 $234.65

Both Adderall IR and Adderall XR are quite expensive because they are branded drugs. Fortunately, they are available in generic options, which are more cost-effective.

Dosage of the Pills

Adderall’s pricing can also vary based on the dosage and quantity of the medication being purchased in a bottle at one go. Higher doses typically cost more than lower doses (in some pharmacies), and buying larger quantities of the drug is usually cheaper than buying smaller quantities.

Here is a table showing the price variation of Adderall based on different doses.

Pharmacy Cost of 5 Mg Cost of 7.5 Mg Cost of 10 Mg Cost of 12.5 Mg Cost of 15 Mg Cost of 20 Mg Cost of 30 Mg
Walgreens $311.22 $311.22 $311.22 $311.22 $205.57 $292.50 $311.22
CVS $308.96 $308.96 $308.96 $308.96 $308.96 $315.15 $308.96
Costco $321.50 $321.20 $356.17 $333.69 $282.27 $363.89 $356.30
Rite Aid $312.77 $312.77 $312.77 $312.77 $312.77 $312.77 $312.77
Capsule Pharmacy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $294.82 N/A
Stop n Shop $290.03 $290.03 $290.03 $290.03 $290.03 $290.03 $290.03
Wegmans $297.05 $297.05 $297.05 $297.05 $297.05 $297.05 $297.05
Duane Reade $311.22 $311.22 $311.22 $311.22 $221.32 $296.63 $311.22

Note that Adderall is not available in 60 mg. If you find the drug in this dose strength, do well to avoid it, as it is definitely counterfeit pills. Remember to seek advice from your doctor before starting treatment with Adderall or any other medication.

So, How Much Does Adderall Cost?

How much does Adderall cost in 2025? This is the question most people looking to start treatment with it often ask. Well, the answer is that it depends. The price may vary depending on whether or not you have insurance coverage, the pharmacy you buy it from, the dosage, the number of pills, and the version you select.

However, on average, a 30-day supply of branded Adderall 20 mg costs anywhere between $200 and $320 without insurance. If you have insurance, your out-of-pocket cost may be much lower ($12 to $20). It is always an excellent idea to check with your insurance provider to get a current and accurate cost estimate before buying. Also, do well to cross-check that price with what’s listed in the pharmacy you intend to be getting a constant supply of it from.

Regardless of the cost of the medication, it is important to remember that Adderall is a powerful drug and that it should only be used exactly as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.


  1. Adderall: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & Safety Info. Medically reviewed by Kaci Durbin, MD. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Drugs.com.
  2. Generation Adderall – The New York Times. By Cassey Schwartz. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Nytimes.com.
  3. What Does Adderall Do to Your Brain? By Caron Staff. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Caron.org.
  4. Stimulants for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Healthrising.org.
  5. Adderall’s Effects on the Brain: Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Adderall on the Brain. Written by Crystal Raypole. Medically reviewed by Zara Risoldi Cochrane, Pharm.D., M.S., FASCP. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Healthline.com.
  6. Does Adderall Make You Smarter? Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Leehealth.org.
  7. Neurocognitive, Autonomic, and Mood Effects of Adderall: A Pilot Study of Healthy College Students. By Lisa L. Weyandt, Tara L. White, et al. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
  8. Adderall Prices, Coupons & Savings Tips. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Goodrx.com.
  9. Adderall Prices, Coupons & Savings Tips. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Goodrx.com.
  10. Adderall XR Prices, Coupons & Savings Tips. Retrieved: February 10, 2023. Goodrx.com.