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How to Buy Modafinil at Amazon in 2024: A-Z Guide for Beginners

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Dubbed as a “smart pill” by researchers and nootropic enthusiasts, modafinil has changed the way professionals and factory workers get their tasks done. Not forgetting the students in pursuit of excelling – just to pass their difficult exams to get their hard-earned certification.

Buy Modafinil at Amazon

With all the said proclamation of modafinil, it’s time to know where to get it online if interested in buying some tablets. Amazon is the giant of e-commerce, followed by Alibaba or so. You can get almost everything from Amazon, including modafinil. Is it a safe place? Let’s get to know if it’s possible to buy modafinil or any nootropic from Amazon, its legality in the USA, and in the end, we’ll give a verdict on whether it’s worth your consideration.

But first things first!

What Is Modafinil?

Google anything about modafinil. You’ll get about 3,670,000 results retrieved in 0.57 seconds. It is a popular medication that’s approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce extreme sleepiness caused by narcolepsy (a health problem characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness) & other sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The latter is a condition in which the patient briefly stops breathing or breathes shallowly multiple times during sleep & doesn’t get enough restful sleep. Modafinil is also approved for shift work sleep disorder (SWSD), i.e., it’s used to help workers stay awake during work hours if they’ve got a work schedule at night or on rotating shifts that keep them from having a normal sleep routine.

Although it largely treats sleep disorders, it does not cure them & may not get rid of all the person’s sleepiness – it only works to keep off sleep anywhere between 16 to 22 hours due to its half-life. During its working time of affecting certain substances in the brain that control the sleep/wake cycle to keep the user awake, its effectiveness begins to decrease until the body completely gets rid of modafinil in its organs & sleep problems return as usual. It’s important to consider that this medication is not a substitute for getting enough sleep & it should not be used to treat tiredness or hold off sleep if you don’t have a sleep disorder.

Though modafinil belongs to a class of meds called wakefulness-promoting agents, several other uses have been proven to effectively work. It’s often used off-label to treat depression, fatigue in multiple sclerosis, weight loss, jet lag, opioid-related sedation, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children & adults, and other health problems such as amphetamine & cocaine addiction [1].

Modafinil Smart Drugs

In addition, this nootropic is popularly used to foster cognitive function, including creativity, memory, learning, etc., and to boost productivity. This is the finest part of modafinil. If you need to learn more about this medicine as a brainpower booster, check our other guide: Modafinil: A Legit Smart Pill That Improves Cognitive Function. Does It Make You Smarter?

Now that you’ve got some tips about the rewards of modafinil take note of the expected side effects such as headaches as well as addiction, dependence, & withdrawal and what to do to overcome them. Let’s now get to know about the possibility of buying this medicine at Amazon.

Can You Buy Modafinil Online at Amazon?

Amazon, the retail juggernaut, is the most valuable company in the world – just like Apple. It is valued at not less than $1.4 trillion [2]. Unlike most e-pharmacies selling various brands of generic modafinil, Amazon only offers the brand-name drug Provigil® 100 mg and 200 mg and its generic version in the same dose strengths.

Although this “smart drug” is available on the platform, the shoppers will only get it with a valid prescription. There’s no shortcut unlike what you might want to experience for the meds you want without an Rx. Still, Amazon allows you to first sign up for Amazon Pharmacy. This is the beginning process of getting modafinil – destined to bring the drug to you with ease.

In the signup process, Amazon will request your prescription, contact your prescriber, then allow you to place your order, and finally, it will let you know when you can check out. More info is covered in the next heading. Keep reading.

Is It Legal in the US?

After decades of clinical trials, the US FDA approved modafinil for the treatment of the aforementioned disorders in 1998. In this country, the nootropic is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance under United States federal law. Due to this, only the DEA-registered importer can bring it into the country, but it’s illegal to be imported by anyone without a prescription [3].


So modafinil is 100% legal for use with a prescription. If you have a doctor’s approval, you can take it to a USA pharmacy and get your pills or order it online from a legitimate seller. Despite a requirement for a prescription, some people living in the US get their nootropic over the counter from legit online vendors. This is the case of, which accepts orders without a prescription and ships them to the USA.

What Other Nootropics Are Available for Purchase on Amazon?

Aside from modafinil, there are several nootropics and dietary supplements that you can order from Amazon and use to heal and optimize your brain. Indeed, supplement producers are noticing the boosted interest in the brain and cognitive health products by many people across the globe. New products and nootropic stacks are introduced into the market at a fast rate – nearly every week or so on Amazon. As the top online shopping platform, it wants its share of what the shoppers are willing to spend on supplements for their brain or productivity.

Amazon now has a large, verified, & growing selection of individual nootropic supplements and also the pre-formulated nootropic stacks offered by established and trusted companies. Although it’s impossible to list every nootropic available for purchase on this website, most people are actively asking about such drugs on Reddit and similar platforms. We’ll share just a few of them with you.

Take note that since Amazon is an online shopping platform for almost everything you want, it has departments that offer “smart drugs” and related products, including energy nootropics, vitamins & dietary supplements, ginkgo biloba herbal supplements, vitamin B supplements, mushroom herbal supplements, choline vitamin supplements, blended vitamin & mineral supplements, sports nutrition endurance & energy products, and sports nutrition endurance & energy supplements.

Nootropics on Amazon

The best verified and acknowledged pre-formulated nootropic stacks on Amazon include:

  • NeuroNZT Limitless;
  • Neuro-Peak;
  • Neuro-Stack;
  • Brain Plus;
  • Alpha Mind;
  • Alpha Brain;
  • Genius Consciousness;
  • Qualia Mind.

The list is long. You should be aware of the product you want to order. In the Amazon website search bar, type in “Gaia Herbs,” “Life Extension,” “Puritan’s Pride,” “Swanson Vitamins,” or “The Vitamin Shoppe” & you’ll get their various versions of brain supplements. Some of the nootropics are “Amazon’s Choice,” where it recommends highly rated and well-priced products. You can also find “Amazon Elements,” “Best Seller,” and “Sponsored” nootropic supplements.

A nootropic that’s popularly promoted as the best performance and brain booster is Mind Lab Pro® from Performance Lab®. However, you cannot find a genuine product on Amazon. Why? The maker of this drug chooses not to sell it there. As part of “buyer beware,” if Mind Lab Pro® or any of the Performance Lab® supplements are available on Amazon, never order it because the sellers promoting it are unauthorized & could even offer a fraudulent product.

How to Order Modafinil Pills on Amazon: Beginner’s Guide

The good deal about Amazon Pharmacy is that you can swiftly check out when you urgently need your medications. Once Amazon has a prescription on file, it can deliver your product to you at a high shipping speed. The power of Amazon Pharmacy is that you can only get genuine medicines from it, unlike rogue e-pharmacies. However, a shopper must pay a higher price & must be at least 18 years old to use Amazon Pharmacy.

Amazon Pharmacy

Creating an Amazon Pharmacy profile is quite easy. If you already have an Amazon profile, the platform will connect it with Amazon Pharmacy to provide a more personalized pharmacy experience.

Creating your health profile helps Amazon get to know you and your prescription needs. After submitting an Rx, final pricing and payment options are available in the cart. On the website, there is a possibility to pay with insurance. A copay price is visible in the cart. It is only available after Amazon confirms prescription details with your insurance company.

However, you can also pay without insurance. At the time of writing this guide, the price of Provigil® 100 mg is $1,499.40 for a pack of 30 tabs. A 200 mg option costs $4,512 for a 30-day supply, 2 tabs per day. Join the Prime program and save 19%. Generic modafinil 100 mg is priced at $843.30. This is the value for a 30 days’ supply, 3 tabs per day. Join Prime and save 44%. The cost of generic modafinil 200 mg is $352.20 for a pack of 30 pills. Join Prime and save 40%. Besides, Prime members get free two-day delivery, and all customers get free 4-5-day delivery.

Amazon Pharmacy accepts all major debit and credit cards, including MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and more. It also accepts Amazon Store Card & Amazon Rewards Visa Signature Card. However, at the moment, you can’t pay for products via checking account, Gift Card, or Shop with Points.


The nootropic supplement market has recently exploded. Dozens of new companies are trying to grab their share of it by offering various nootropic options, especially modafinil generic versions. Because the Internet is not a trusted place to spend money, the sure way to get genuine “smart drugs” is using Amazon or legitimate online pharmacies like and, among others. Make sure the vendor of your choice sources its meds only from approved pharmaceutical companies.

As you’ve seen, getting modafinil from Amazon requires a prescription. Without it, you can’t get your product on this shopping platform. Still, Amazon offers both branded and generic modafinil at a high price. If you are intending to spend a few dollars and get the meds worth your budget, opt for the said online vendors. They offer 100% genuine products as well as fast shipping and a money-back guarantee.

Buying a nootropic from Amazon can be tricky. Aside from modafinil, if deciding to order other supplements, ensure each bottle contains what the label says. Also, read the shopper reviews and see what other customers are saying about a product. You can inquire for proof or a Certificate of Analysis (COS) if you are still not sure.


  1. Modafinil Improves Behavioral Therapy Results in Cocaine Addiction. By Patrick Zickler. Published: October 1, 2005. Accessed: December 8, 2020.
  2. Visualizing the Size of Amazon, the World’s Most Valuable Retailer. By Dorothy Neufeld. Published: July 2, 2020. Retrieved: December 8, 2020.
  3. Modafinil | Legal status | United States. Retrieved: December 8, 2020.